lauantai 20. syyskuuta 2014

Patrik 9 years!

Patrik turned 9 years yesterday but we didn't have time for celebration since I hurt my arm while wrestling and spent my evening by sitting at health center and then at hospital. Well the good thing is that nothing got broken but it still hurts like hell.
So today we gave Patrik his present, a brand new Frisbee  He's addicted to that blue Frisbee of his but it's almost broken and covered with crap and mud and all so this was a perfect present for this man-child who still doesn't realize that he's supposed to be senior. He's healthy, happy and very energetic.

Our puppy-plans are ruined again.. Well hopefully next year is better and everything go as planned, I hope that isn't too much asked.

Here's some pictures of Patrik's special day!

lauantai 13. syyskuuta 2014

Autumn is finally here

Thank god that hot and exhausting summer is over. It wasn't that enjoyable for people so I can imagine how it must have felt for those who have black and heavy fur. Patrik sure enjoyed the trips to the beach and night-time walks but daytime wasn't that easy for him. If I had let him, he would have played with his Frisbee like 24/7 but I had to forbid him for playing with it for hours. It was so hot out there and this "senior" was playing his ass off.

I've never met a dog like this. He's about to turn 9 years but most people can't believe it. Let me explain it wit this video. Imagine hours and hours of this kind of behavior every day. He sure can enjoy his life and little things. Like a little blue Frisbee.

And here's some pictures from my 6-days-vacation about two weeks ago

Yayyy dohpark!

Yayyy a lady dog!

Yayyy a secret meeting with my new fellas!

lauantai 2. elokuuta 2014


lauantai 14. kesäkuuta 2014

We're alive, don't worry!

I'm terribly, terribly sorry for forgetting to update this blog. The truth is that I've been so tired during holidays that I haven't had the energy to write blogs.

Patrik is doing fine, he enjoys his live with my family and misses me as much as I miss him. On weekends we play, go for long walks and stuff like that. Patrik has put on a little weight so we're giving him less food and treats now. Other than that, he's healthy and judging by his behavior he could be 3 years old rather than almost 9.

And here's some pictures of Patrik. As you can see, he sure can enjoy his calm and joyful days here in the middle of woods and fields.

lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2014

Kuulumisten päivittelyä

Patrik 8 yrs 4 months / taken on January the 26th

Lentosotamies Minkkinen täällä koittaa epätoivoisesti herätellä henkiin taas blogia... Viikonloppulomat on tähän mennessä kuluneet niin pitkälti rentoutuessa ja rötvätessä että en ole jaksanut istuutua koneen ääreen.

Patrikille kuuluu oikein hyvää. Ikävöin sitä kovasti viikolla, välillä on useammankin viikon mittaisia aikoja jolloin en pääse lomille, silloin etenkin pappakoira on mielessä ja kaipaus on kova. Sillä on kaikki hyvin kotona, mitäpä erikoista tuollaisen seniorikoiran elämässä nyt tapahtuisikaan..

Pari kertaa olen nyt lomilla käynyt sen kanssa tokoilemassa, kun meidän kerhon treenit alkoivat taas. Patu on siellä ainoa kypsempään ikään ehtinyt tokoilija, mutta tuolla innolla ja kunnolla se ei jää siellä ainakaan jälkeen. Päinvastoin, se on tosi reipas ja nopea oppimaan ja motivoituu helposti. Se sukeltelee umpihangessa lelun perässä ja häntä heiluu suoritusten aikana. Se on oppinut jo vähän seuraamaankin, ja perusasentoon se hakeutuu ihan omatoimisesti.

Viikonloppujen parhaita hetkiä ovat kuitenkin rauhalliset lenkit Patrikin kanssa. Siinä lepää omakin mieli kun vaihteeksi saa vaan tallustaa omaan tahtiin ja pysähtyä valokuvailemaan ja leikkimään koiran kanssa. Mukavaa vaihtelua tuolle armeijan arjelle.

Tässä on kuvia aamupäiväiseltä lenkiltä Patrikin kanssa :)

I'm desperately trying to wake this blog up.. So far I've spent all my weekends off army just by relaxing and hanging around, I've been too tired for sitting on computer.

Patrik is fine. I miss him a lot when I spend my weeks in army. Sometimes it takes two or three weeks before I get to come home so yeah, I miss him a lot. But he's all right here, his life goes on like it has gone before. 

Sometimes when I'm home for weekend, we go to obedience training. Patrik is the only "old" dog there but since he's so enthusiastic and physically active and healthy, he won't slow down the group. He's energetic and fast to learn and also easy to motivate. He dives in the snow trying to catch his toys and waves his tail all the time. He's also learned to heel!

But the best moments of my weekends are the calm walks with Patrik. It's a great change to rest my mind, just walking, sometimes taking breaks for photographing or playing with Patrik. Always a welcome change after army.

Here's some pictures that I took this morning when I was out for a walk with Patrik :)

lauantai 25. tammikuuta 2014

In the army now

Takana on useampi viikko täydellistä hiljaisuutta blogin osalta. Aloitin varusmiespalveluksen 6.1. joten olen elänyt todellakin eristyksissä sivistyksestä ja sosiaalisesta mediasta. Patrik ja kissat voivat hyvin, mikäs niillä on täällä kotona ollessa. Minä en taas ole ehtinyt ikävöimään kotiin ja Patrikin luo, kun ensimmäiset palvelusviikot on olleet todella kiireisiä.

Mutta kun torstai-iltana ajelin kotiin päin niin mitä lähempänä kotipaikkakuntaani olin, sitä enemmän ikävöin kotiin, perheeni ja Patrikin luo. Ja kun astuin kotiovesta sisään ja näin Patrikin, laukut tippuivat niille sijoilleen ja minä polvistuin kuivaamaan kyyneleeni Patrikin turkkiin.

This blog has been silent for weeks now. I started military service on January the 6th so I've lived completely isolated from sophistication and social media. Patrik and the cats are okay, they are in good hands here at home. And I've been too busy to miss home and Patrik, my first weeks in service have been very rushed.

But when I was driving to home this Thursday night, the closer my hometown got the more I missed home, my family and Patrik. And as I walked through the front door, I dropped my bags and knelt to dry up my tears in Patrik's coat.